Procurement Opportunitie's

Search for current and view past procurement opportunities published by Norwegian People's Aid from diffrent regions of our operation.

Title Published Deadline Oppotunity Reference Country/
Supply and Delivery of Assorted Food stuff for Welikada Prison Hospital, Sri Lanka (6 Months Period) 30-04-2023 15-06-2023
Request for Quotation

National Open
ITBSR0UG01 Sri Lanka
DHIS2 Malaria Surveillance Specialists Consultancy 02-05-2023 03-07-2023 Invitation to Bid

International Open
ITBCG012I Congo DR
Tender for Construction of a Three (03) story Multi-Purpose Hospital in Aleppo, Syria. 30-04-2023 20-06-2023 Invitation to Bid

International Open
ITB0HSA05 Syria
Provision of technical lead to promote women living with HIV peer support group and their meaningful participation in climate change and disaster management dialogues in Battambang Province, Roka community 25-05-2023 05-07-2023 Invitation to Bid

International Open
ITBGDHJ00 Cambodia KH
Request for Proposal to conduct Study on Views and Attitudes of IDP Women, (including young), on Conflict Transformation, Reconciliation and Peace Building 28-04-2023 02-05-2023

Request for Proposal

National Open
ITBG001LS South Sudan SS
Professional service provider for Organizing and Facilitation Services for Trainings on Gender-responsive Access to Justice of Women Deprived of Liberty (WDL) for Paralegal Aides and Jail Paralegal Officers in Visayas 02-05-2023 10-06-2023 Invitation to Bid

National Open
ITBPH0OPG Philippines PH
Employability Skills Development for refugees and host communities in Greater Cairo, Alexandria, and Damietta Request for proposal 15-05-2023 30-06-2023 Invitation to Bid

National Open
RFP709EG Egypt EG
Provision of Transportation Services – Bulk Fuels 25-05-2023 22-06-2023 Invitation to Bid

International Open
ITB4804DG Zambia ZM
Establishing Long Term Arrangements (LTAs) for Yemen Hub in Salalah/Oman for Logistics Services including Customs Clearance, Forwarding, Transportation and Warehousing. 26-05-2023 19-07-2023 Invitation to Bid

National Open

Closed Bid
ITBSA5I00 South Africa ZA
Request for the provision of Human Resources Consultancy Services 27-05-2023 12-07-2023 Request for Proposal

International Open
RFQ22SA82D South Africa ZA
Provision of accommodation, workshop/conference facilities and outside catering services to Norwegian People's Aid in Juba, South Sudan - Long Term Agreement 27-05-2023 03-07-2023 Expression of Interest

National Open
ITBGT00KI South Sudan SS
Invitation to bid for the supply and delivery of Furniture at Ethnic Health Organisations’ Health Facilities in Mongkaing, Kyethi and Monghsu Township of Southern Shan State, Myanmar 30-09-2022 31-10-2022 Invitation to Bid

International Open
ITBSA5I00 Myanmar MM
Title Published Deadline Oppotunity Reference Country/
  • Reference: ITBSA5I00
  • Type: Request for Proposal
  • Country: Zimbabwe ZW
  • Published on: 11-08-2022
  • Deadline on: 01-10-2022

Prioritizing Paediatric HIV Care and Treatment.


Consultancy to provide technical and strategic information support to improve access, uptake and quality of care for children and adolescent living with HIV (0-19 years) with a focus on improving community case finding for children 10- 14 years.


1. To improve data capturing and quality to track the uptake of the Paediatric and Adolescent HIV Program and to determine the proportion of newly identified children linked to treatment.

2. To develop and strengthen linkage and collaboration between health facilities and communities and improve paediatric case finding particularly for children aged 10-14 years.

3. To support the district management team in strengthening their ward-based outreach approach focusing on paediatric HIV.

4. To strengthen inter-linkages of the different systems including health, education, and social development to improve case finding and referrals.

5. To improve the use of data to identify gaps and improve quality of the program through data reviews and stock taking meetings at facility, sub district and districts level.

  • Refrence       : ITBG001LS
  • Type              : Request for Proposal
  • Country         : South Sudan SS
  • Published on : 17-03-2023
  • Deadline on   : 11-04-2023

Request for Proposal to conduct Study on Views and Attitudes of IDP Women, (including young), on Conflict Transformation, Reconciliation and Peace Building



Dear Sir/Madam,

Norwegian People's Aid Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, hereby invites prospective vendors to submit a proposal(s) in accordance with the Request for Proposal (RFP) documents, including General Conditions of Contract (GCC) and the Terms of Reference as set out in this RFP.

To enable you to submit a proposal, please read the following attached documents carefully.

  • This Letter of Invitation
  • Instructions to Vendors (“Tender Documents” tab)
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Terms of Reference

Your submission should include the following:

  • a) Proposal Submission Form (Online Form)
  • b) Proposer Information Form (Online Form)
  • c) Eligibility and Qualification Form (Online Form)
  • d) Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information Form, if applicable (Online Form)
  • e) Technical Proposal (Online Form)
  • f) Financial Proposal (to be uploaded to the Financial Envelope using the format provided)
  • g) Proposal Security, Performance Security and Advance Payment Forms, where applicable and using the format provided.

Forms are publicly available on our e-Procure website Other Forms to be Submitted by the Vendor awarded the contract at the time of contract signature:

  • a) Statement of Exclusivity and Availability, if applicable (using the standard format provided)
  • b) Proposer Information Form (Online Form)
  • c) Eligibility and Qualification Form (Online Form)
  • d) Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information Form, if applicable (Online Form)
  • e) Technical Proposal (Online Form)
  • f) Financial Proposal (to be uploaded to the Financial Envelope using the format provided)
  • g) Proposal Security, Performance Security and Advance Payment Forms, where applicable and using the format provided.
  • h) Voluntary Agreement to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (using the standard format provided).

If you are interested in submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, please prepare your proposal in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this RFP and submit it by the deadline for submission of proposals set out in the tender notice. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with the person identified in the solicitation documents. We look forward to receiving your proposal.

  • Refrence       : ITBPH0OPG
  • Type              : Invitation to Bid
  • Country         : Philippines PH
  • Published on : 02-05-2023
  • Deadline on   : 10-06-2023

Professional service provider for Organizing and Facilitation Services for Trainings on Gender-responsive Access to Justice of Women Deprived of Liberty (WDL) for Paralegal Aides and Jail Paralegal Officers in Visayas


General Instructions:


Dear Madam/Sir,

Norwegian People's Aid Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, hereby invites prospective vendors to submit a ITB in accordance with the Request as indicated in the Bidding documents, including General Conditions of Contract (GCC) and the Schedule of Requirements/Terms of Reference as set out in this ITB.

To enable you to submit a Bid, please read the following documents carefully:

  • • This Letter of Invitation
  • • Instructions to Vendors (“Tender Documents” tab)
  • • Terms of Reference

Your submission should include the following:

  • a) Bid Submission Form
  • b) Technical and Financial Offer
  • c) CVs of Key Personnel Other Forms to be Submitted by the Vendor awarded the contract at the time of contract signature:

If you are interested in submitting a bid in response to this ITB, please prepare your BID in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this ITB and submit it by the deadline for submission of bids set out in the tender notice. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with the person identified in the solicitation document. We look forward to receiving your bids.

  • Refrence       : ITB7200SA
  • Type              : Invitation to Bid
  • Country         : Congo DR
  • Published on : 02-05-2023
  • Deadline on   : 03-07-2023

DHIS2 Malaria Surveillance Specialists Consultancy



Norwegian People's Aid has allocated funding for NVBDCP to implement the National Malaria Strategic Plan 2021-2025 to accelerate malaria elimination in Congo DR. Norwegian People's Aid Technical Strategy for Malaria has identified three pillars calling for; universal access to prevention, diagnosis and treatment; accelerating efforts towards elimination, and transforming malaria surveillance into a key intervention. An improved surveillance system will provide an enabling environment to utilise surveillance as and intervention in support of the National Strategy. Norwegian People's Aid is committed to supporting MHMS and their request to strengthen NVBDCP-led malaria prevention and control and activities and to support accelerated efforts to eliminate malaria in low burden areas.


The purpose of this consultancy is to support Congo DR Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) to establish a DHIS2 linked malaria surveillance system enabling near real time facility-based reporting utilising a digital platform. The reporting system will enable the timely reporting of malaria cases and deployment of malaria elimination strategies to support case investigation and cluster interventions in low transmission setting. These strategies align with the Norwegian People's Aid Guidelines for Malaria, 2022, and Norwegian People's Aid Recommendations on Malaria Elimination.

  • • Localise and integrate the DHIS2 Android App for Malaria Case Registration to digitalise the current Malaria Case Management Register (MCMR) to enable near real time case reporting in nominated low transmission settings. Localisation will include current treatment regimes including various dose of Primaquine and G6PD Testing to guide primaquine treatment. Build in alerts to inform clinical staff on appropriate Primaquine dosing dependant on G6PD results.
  • • Enable the linking of malaria cases to houses with off-line satellite mapping with GPS locations. Enable the Malaria Case Registration app to upload when in contact with mobile phone network from one of the two network providers. Ensure system can be used by health facilities, Private Clinics and Village Malaria Workers to identify and disaggregate cases detected in the formal health sector.
  • • Localise and link the Focus Investigation App to the Malaria Case local context and program requirement. Including linkage of cases requiring follow up identified through passive case detection in health facilities to initiate outreach response for investigation.
  • • Review the current MCMR interface to update for current program requirements. Update the current treatment testing and treatment regimens to include different Primaquine Treatment regimens and G6PD Testing and interpretation. Include features to include consumption and stock levels of malaria commodities including test kits and malaria drugs.
  • • Develop real-time case incidence (cases per 1000 pop) maps to be displayed at the most granular level, Health Zone, Ward and Village bounries, based the most recent census (2019) or projected population and national maps.
  • • Update DHIS2 Vector Control interface and reporting to enable the capture and display of temporal and spatial bednet distribution, and Indoor Residual Spray coverage. Enable layering to match case incidence and vector control coverage.

  • 1. The consultant will work with staff from the NVBDCP, Malaria Specialists, the national focal points for Health Information System (HIS), Provincial Health and Program Managers and partners and donors to gather the required background information, documentation and material to initiate development of an integration platform and roll out plan.
  • 2. Assess and advise on network and hardware requirements, e.g. mobile devise requirements, devise charging systems Including solar, and network coverage.
  • 3. Develop roll out strategies initially for low malaria burden areas, Standard Operating Procedures, and training plan for system roll out.
  • 4. Assist in engagement with Telco providers to discuss network access, security, and usage cost and payment options to ensure value for money and reliability of service.
  • 5. Ensure current MCMR paper system for aggregated data collection can continue in parallel in areas not classified as low burden or without useful mobile network or internet coverage.
  • 6. Pilot system in Kole health facilities and one Province (2 Health Zones) – Orientale or Sankuru Province.
  • 7. Train key HIS and NVBDCP staff to manage and operate the system to perform analysis and routine monitoring and report production of malaria epidemiology and interventions.


Post graduate degree in Health Infomatics, Public Health, and GIS Proven expertise and experience in health project management, evaluations, health programme assessment, guideline, training, SOP development and programme audits

  • Expertise efficiency in adapting DHIS2 systems design requirements specification engineering
  • Expertise in development and implementation of data exchange mechanisms
  • Experience in developing a work scope and budget to meet clients expectations on deliverables.
  • Knowledge of malaria (or communicable diseases) programme activity implementation
  • Experience in working with malaria-endemic countries

Good organizational and interpersonal skills Cross cultural communication Knowledgeable in malaria and other communicable diseases


English only


  • • Digital health information systems management
  • • Effective planning and timely meeting of deadlines
  • • Effective communication, leadership and proven abilities to work in teams

The cover letter should outline how their experience and qualifications make them a suitable candidate for this position and should include their proposed daily consultancy fee and availability.

  • Refrence       : RFP709EG
  • Type              : Invitation to Bid
  • Country         : Egypt EG
  • Published on : 15-05-2023
  • Deadline on   : 30-06-2023

Employability Skills Development for refugees and host communities in Greater Cairo, Alexandria, and Damietta Request for proposal


PROSPECTS Egypt aims to ensure that refugees and members of the host community (HCs) in Greater Cairo, Alexandria and Damietta are well equipped with relevant skills that would prepare them to find sustainable job opportunities in the labour market.

In a globalised world, skills have become increasingly important. While vocational and technical skills are essential, employers seek applicants with additional skills. Employers seek to hire those who have the ability to learn and adapt; read, write and compute competently; listen and communicate effectively; think creatively; solve problems independently; manage themselves at work; interact with co-workers; work in teams or groups; handle basic technology, lead effectively as well as follow supervision. These core skills for employability are both important to employers’ recruitment and enhance an individual’s ability to secure a job, retain employment and move flexibly in the labour market as well as engage in lifelong learning.

Employability entails much more than the ability to get that first job. It is having the capacity to network and market oneself, navigate through career and remain employable throughout life. It requires the ability to ask questions, acquires new skills, identifies, and evaluate options, understands rights at work including the right to a safe and healthy work environment, adapts successfully to changing situations and the courage to innovate.

  • Refrence       : ITBGDHJ00
  • Type              : Invitation to Bid
  • Country         : Cambodia KH
  • Published on : 25-05-2023
  • Deadline on   : 05-07-2023

Provision of technical lead to promote women living with HIV peer support group and their meaningful participation in climate change and disaster management dialogues in Battambang Province, Roka community Invitation to Bid


General Instructions:


Dear Madam/Sir,
Norwegian People's Aid Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, hereby invites prospective vendors to submit a Bid in accordance with the Invitation to Bid documents, including General Conditions of Contract (GCC) and the Schedule of Requirements/Terms of Reference as set out in this ITB. To enable you to submit a Bid, please read the following documents carefully:

  • • This Letter of Invitation
  • • Instructions to Vendors (“Tender Documents” tab)
  • • Terms of Reference

Your submission should include the following:

  • a) Bid Submission Form
  • b) Technical and Financial Offer
  • c) CVs of Key Personnel

If you are interested in submitting a Bid in response to this ITB, please prepare your submissions in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this ITB and submit it by the deadline for submission of Bid set out in the tender notice. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with the person identified in this solicitation documents. We look forward to receiving your Bids.

  • Refrence       : ITBYM00OI
  • Type              : Request for Proposal
  • Country         : Yemen YM
  • Published on : 17-03-2023
  • Deadline on   : 11-04-2023

Establishing Long Term Arrangements (LTAs) for Yemen Hub in Salalah/Oman for Logistics Services including Customs Clearance, Forwarding, Transportation and Warehousing.


Norwegian People's Aid has now issued a Request for Proposals in order to select a supplier for the provision of 2022-9177045. Yemen Country office Hub established in Salalah/Oman Free Zone in July-2019 with remarkable support from Norwegian People's Aid Oman Country Office.

Yemen hub in Salalah is a transit hub with the functionality of receiving supplies from suppliers located globally and Norwegian People's Aid central warehouse from Copenhagen/Denmark by air, sea, and land, and later forwarding those supplies to Yemen by road, sea and Air. Throughout 2020, Norwegian People's Aid Yemen Country Office (YCO) has diverted all shipments bound to Northern and sometimes Southern Yemen to the Yemen hub Salalah. Implementation of this strategy proved that Salalah is the most reliable and safe entry point to Yemen, which enables YCO to apply multi-modal transportation routes such as sea, air and road.

It is noteworthy to highlight that air, sea, and road transportation routes from Salalah to the South and North of Yemen gives more flexibility to logistics operations and helps to effectively deliver supplies into the country without failure in cases when one of the transport corridors is blocked due to the fluid security situation in Yemen. In the process of achieving the Programmatic goals and fulfilling its Mandate Norwegian People's Aid Yemen Country Office (YCO) had established Salalah Logistics Hub aiming to provide logistics operations in support of the YCO humanitarian operation.The hub operates as a storage and transit facility for YCO supplies which includes health, nutrition, wash, education, and other related materials. The received commodities in Salalah are stored at Norwegian People's Aid warehouse within Salalah Free Zone and re-exported afterwards by Air, Sea and Land routes into Yemen.

In relation to the above, Norwegian People's Aid invites qualified Service Providers to make a proposal for the establishment of a Long-Term Agreement (LTA) for the provision of Logistics Services including Customs Clearance, Forwarding, Transportation and Warehousing with taking in consideration that the average volume of supplies transit into Yemen through Salalah in the last 12 months from August 2021 to July-2022 were 1,709 CBMs per month equivalent to 39 Container 40 ft per month, also the average volume of supplies stored at Salalah warehouse at the same period was 4,330 CBM per month. It is noteworthy that 99.5% of the supplies imported to Salalah in the last 12 months were by Sea, 0.5% were by Air, 89.5% of those supplies were re-exported to Yemen by Land and 10.5% were re-exported to Yemen by sea, importing supplies by land into Salalah not recorded in the last 12 Months.

  • Refrence       : ITBSA5I00
  • Type              : Invitation to Bid
  • Country         : South Africa ZA
  • Published on : 26-05-2023
  • Deadline on   : 29-06-2023



If you are interested in submitting a response to this ITB, please prepare your Proposal in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this documents and submit it by the Deadline for Submission as set out in Bid Data Sheet.

Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with the contact person/s identified in the attached Bid Data Sheet as the focal point for queries on this ITB. Norwegian People's Aid looks forward to receiving your Proposal and thank you in advance for your interest in Norwegian People's Aid procurement opportunities

  • Refrence       : RFQ22SA82D
  • Type              : Request for Proposal
  • Country         : South Africa ZA
  • Published on : 27-05-2023
  • Deadline on   : 12-07-2023

Request for the provision of Human Resources Consultancy Services


Request for Proposal No. RFQ22SA82D For the provision of Human Resources Consultancy Services

Norwegian People's Aid office is soliciting bids from authorized service providers that are duly registered / licensed for the provision of Human Resources Consultancy Services.


The deadline for submission of tenders is 4:30 hrs on 02nd May 2022. Bids received after the deadline will not be considered. Complete tender documents can be obtained by on Norwegian People's Aid eprocurement portal, free of charge from 03rd March 2022 to the closing date.


Bids should be submitted as indicated in the bidding documents.

  • Refrence       : ITBGT00KI
  • Type              : Expression of Interest
  • Country         : South Sudan SS
  • Published on : 27-05-2023
  • Deadline on   : 03-07-2023

Provision of accommodation, workshop/conference facilities and outside catering services to Norwegian People's Aid in Juba, South Sudan - Long Term Agreement


Provision of accommodation, workshop/conference facilities and outside catering services to Norwegian People's Aid in Juba, South Sudan - Long Term Agreement

  • Reference: RFPNB3490
  • Type: Request for proposals
  • Country: Namibia NA
  • Published on: 30-04-2022
  • Deadline on: 27-05-2022
  • Refrence       : ITBGT00KI
  • Type              : Expression of Interest
  • Country         : South Sudan SS
  • Published on : 17-03-2023
  • Deadline on   : 11-04-2023

Supply & Installation of IT Equipment’s Re-advertised


We kindly request you to submit your quotation for the Supply & Installation of T440 Tower Server, as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ. The item will be supplied to Ministry of Health, Kiribati which is outlined in Annex 1 with quantity. When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2.

Quotations may be submitted on or before 5:00pm Fiji Time on August 25, 2022 and via ☒e-mail to the address below: United Nations Development Programme
Level 8, Kadavu House, Victoria Parade, Suva, Fiji.
Attn: Nischal Narain

Quotations submitted by email must be limited to a maximum of 10MB, virus-free and no more than 1 per email transmission. They must be free from any form of virus or corrupted contents, or the quotations shall be rejected.

It shall remain your responsibility to ensure that your quotation will reach the address above on or before the deadline. Quotations that are received by UNDP after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation. If you are submitting your quotation by email, kindly ensure that they are signed and in the .pdf format, and free from any virus or corrupted files.

  • Reference: ITBSA5I00
  • Type: Expression of Interest
  • Country: Myanmar MM
  • Published on: 30-09-2022
  • Deadline on: 31-10-2022
  • 30-09-2022 31-10-2022

Invitation to bid for the supply and delivery of Furniture at Ethnic Health Organisations’ Health Facilities in Mongkaing, Kyethi and Monghsu Township of Southern Shan State, Myanmar



Tender description: Invitation to bid for the supply and delivery of Furniture at Ethnic Health Organisations’ Health Facilities in Mongkaing, Kyethi and Monghsu Township of Southern Shan State, Myanmar.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system, via the UNGM portal. In order to access the full UNOPS tender details, request clarifications on the tender, and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system, vendors need to be registered as a UNOPS vendor at the UNGM portal and be logged into UNGM. For guidance on how to register on UNGM and submit responses to UNOPS tenders in the UNOPS eSourcing system, please refer to the user guide and other resources available at:

Interested in improving your knowledge of what UNOPS procures, how we procure and how to become a vendor to supply to our organization? Learn more about our free online course on “Doing business with UNOPS” here

  • Refrence       : ITBSR0UG01
  • Type              : Request for Quotation
  • Country         : Sri Lanka
  • Published on : 30-04-2023
  • Deadline on   : 15-06-2023

Supply and Delivery of Assorted Food stuff for Welikada Prison Hospital, Sri Lanka(6 Months period)


Supply and Delivery of Assorted Food stuff for Welikada Prison Hospital, Sri Lanka(6 Months period).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the e-Procurement potal system. In order to access the full solicitation documents, request clarifications, and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system, vendors need to be registered as a vendor at the eprocurement portal and be logged. For guidance on how to register and submit responses to this request, please refer to the user guide and other resources available or contact us via help section and one of our staff will be happy to help you.

  • Refrence       : ITB4807HF
  • Type                : Invitation to Bid
  • Country          : Zambia
  • Published on : 25-05-2023
  • Deadline on   : 22-06-2023

Invitation to Tender: Provision of Transportation Services – Bulk Fuels


Norwegian People's Aid (NPA) invites qualified and interested organizations to participate in the tender for the Provision of Transportation Services – Bulk Fuels (ITB4807HF). This initiative is part of the Government to Government Aid to the Republic of Zambia under the Norwegian People's Aid program, in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing, and Urban Development, Lusaka, Zambia. The tender supports the Zambian government’s construction of the Lusaka to Ndola dual carriageway (T-5098).

Interested companies who wish to participate must obtain a complete set of bidding Documents, available on Norwegian People's Aid eProcurement portal. Clarification requests shall be addressed to the person identified in the solicitation documents.

The Proposals must be submitted on or before the date and time in the bidding document, proposals submitted later than the stipulated date and time will not be accepted.

Norwegian People's Aid reserves the right to amend the tender documents at any time during the bidding process. Any amendments or clarifications will be available in the e-Tendering System. No remuneration will be made to companies for preparation and submission of their Offers.

  • Refrence       : ITB4807HF
  • Type              : Invitation to Bid
  • Country         : Zambia
  • Published on : 26-05-2023
  • Deadline on   : 19-06-2023

Invitation to Tender: Provision of Transportation Services – Bulk Fuels


Norwegian People's Aid (NPA) invites qualified and interested organizations to participate in the tender for the Provision of Transportation Services – Bulk Fuels (ITB4807HF). This initiative is part of the Government to Government Aid to the Republic of Zambia under the Norwegian People's Aid program, in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing, and Urban Development, Lusaka, Zambia. The tender supports the Zambian government’s construction of the Lusaka to Ndola dual carriageway (T-5098).

If you are interested in this ITB please prepare your Bid in accordance with the instructions as indicated in the Bidding Data Sheet (BDS), to download the bidding documents follow the instruction and if you need any help contact the person identified in BDS or go to the help section of this portal.

  • Refrence       : ITB0HSA05
  • Type              : Invitation to Bid
  • Country         : Syria
  • Published on : 30-04-2023
  • Deadline on   : 20-06-2023

Tender for Construction of a Three (03) story Multi-Purpose Hospital in Aleppo, Syria.


Norwegian People's Aid is calling on qualified bidders to participate in this invitation to Bid for the Construction of a hospital for the good people of Syria as they are trying recover from a devastating earthquakes which claimed a hundred lives and destroyed almost everything including Schools, housing, hospitals etc.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested Bidders must respond to this tender using the e-Procurement portal system. In order to access the full bidding documents, request clarifications, and submit a vendor response to a tender using the system, Bidders need to be registered as a vendor at the eprocurement portal and be logged. For guidance on how to register and submit responses to this request, please refer to the user guide and other resources available or contact us via help section and one of our staff will be happy to help you.